Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hello Again

Today at church, I was talking to a young mom who has a 4-year-old I used to teach in Sunday School. This mom is also a friend my oldest daughter knew in high school days. Somehow in the course of the conversation, she told me she has read my blog--but quickly added, "You don't write too often."


Actually, I was shocked she would even read my blog. I type these words on the screen. I post them. And I expect maybe my children will read them.

This blog is really supposed to be about my writing. Okay, so I'm obviously not writing on my blog, bit I AM still working on that novel I promised to complete.

That should trump blog writing any day...right?


Abigail (aka Mamatouille) said...

I missed you, too! :) Welcome back to Blog-O-Land.

Teresa V. Mitchum said...

You are so sweet!

mindyvaughn said...

I love a glimpse into your world. I'm sure the book will be worth the wait. I'll be reading it with my daughters, I'm sure!